Kristen Mueller

Kristen Mueller, Appendix I: Solitude in the World (from Partially Removing the Remove of Literature), 2014, Publisher: & So (
Partially Removing the Remove of Literature
Pages: 28, Hard-bound, Inkjet-printing
Edition: 200 (numbered)
Date published: February 2014 | SOLD OUT

Appendix I: Solitude in the World (from Partially Removing the Remove of Literature)

Size: (approximately) A1
Publisher: & So

< Artists + Writers

Kristen Mueller lives and works in New York

Partially Removing the Remove of Literature is a reading of Nick Thurston’s book Reading the Remove of Literature, which is itself a reading of Maurice Blanchot’s book L’Espace littéraire (The Space of Literature). In Thurston’s appropriation, he has assiduously erased every page of Blanchot’s seminal work, while preserving his own marginalia, through a processual transposition of hand-writing into formal typography. In Mueller’s reading of Thurston, she has partially erased every page of his book, leaving only Thurston’s (extra-textual(?)) markings—the underlinings and arrows, parentheses and exclamation marks—intact. By layering these remains, chapter for chapter, she presents portraits of Thurston’s reading of Blanchot, collapsed and condensed, proffering the gift of theft.”

No Press, 2013